What a nice day

Today was a good pain day!! I took my long acting as usual in the am, slept great till I had to get up, and had a good day at work. I was able to keep my pain in control throughout the day at work and take the kids to the park after supper! It was wonderful playing with them. Next time I need to remember to bring their ball. They had a blast on the swims, going down the slide, running after the big kids, and stealing their ball. Moments like that make me love being a mom. When we walked (yes, I went walking!!) home they got a bath while I did the front flower beds. The 4 neighbour girls wanted to help which was great! I was done weeding in record time, so brought the girls in to see the babies. They all ran around the kitchen screaming and playing. It was great! I’m now off to bed at a decent time. If I can fall asleep before 4, my day will have been close to perfect! Just needed to share incase anyone reads this. Having a day without excruciating pain is fantastic. I’m so glad the weather was nice so I could take full advantage of it!

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